Tuesday 16 February 2010

I love /hate placement !

I started placement last week and it was such a good week back out there. I was in Nuclear Medcine/Medical physics department. I enjoyed it so so much that i'ld love to go back there. The staff are so so nice, they say thank u for every little thing u do for them, like cleaning and changing rolls after each patient, helping to get patients from the waiting room, helping with daily cleanings. We do all this things normally in the main x-ray department and dont get a thank u for it, it feels like a normal job. We even get sent to clean mobiles around the hospital without a thank u.....well we are still students eh? take everything at least for now!
Neways, Nuclear medicine is one of my options now, i'ld really like to work there if i get a job there. Apart from getting more radiation when injection radioisotopes into patients, its just a fantastic place to work. And now that they are manufacturing Gamma cameras with CT together, it sounds like its gonna be more fun! My week went really quick, i suppose it does tho when u are having fun, ur week goes really fast.

This week didnt start well at all, i'm supposed to be working on mobiles and theatres which happens from the main x ray department. I got to the department and as my colleague was telling the senior rad there about what he is supposed to be doing which is same as me, i got there but as soon as i said same thing she was like " i dont care where u are supposed to be, u cant go cos i'm short staff and i need to keep u down here". I was shocked, like how could she talk to me like that on a monday morning! And besides i am a student not a member of staff, i dont mind helping out, which we do on a daily basis and sont get paid for it. So y should i suffer as a student cos they are short? If she was worked up, she shouldnt be taking it out on me! I Was really upset but what can i do, nothing at all! I just had to pull myself together and carry on working. It was a very long day and i couldnt wait for it to be over. When i got home, i had something to eat and went straight to bed. I was that upset and tired.

Today has not been bad, it was quite steady. My legs are so painful though. I guess that is as a result of crap shoes. I need to get myself a proper duty shoe that can support me. I'll do that when i get some money.

I've got another 2 days to go in that place, i cant wait. The week feels really long when u are in d main department. I cant wait for friday to come so i can at least have a saturday off and stay longer in bed.

I'm yawning already, i better start getting ready for bed.
See u all later

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