Thursday 25 July 2013

Oxford Dictionary meaning of Marriage to change to include gay people!

Since the law has been passed on the 17th of July to legalize same sex marriage, its really beginning to take roots.
Why am I not surprised!
The leading authority of English Language has confirmed that the meaning of the word marriage will be changed since the law about it has been changed!
At the moment, the Oxford Dictionary meaning of marriage is " the formal union of a man and a woman, typically as recognized by law by which they become husband and wife".

Now they are going to watch the use of the word marriage and how it changes in the next year before they come up with a definition and update the dictionary.
I even read that other countries have already changed the meaning of the word marriage!
France, Canada and Argentina. France Larousse dictionary  now defines marriage as "a solemn act between two same sex or different sex persons who decide to establish a union.

This yeye prime minister David Cameron only yesterday vows to export gay marriage around the world. This was said while he was partying to celebrate the passage of the new law.

 For the records, his own conservative MPs were not supportive if this move, some of them have accused him of being divisive and seeking to extol a fundamental change in the society for which he has no mandate!

 but the he isint listening to any of those, he is gonna do his own thing with support from the gay community and some of his gay party members.
I bet he has nothing important to do. Among all the issues facing this country, taking gay campaigns around the world is the most important thing to him.

This is a christian country , I knew this Tory man was up to no good. He will not ruin this country, or better still, its all part of the signs of the end time, he who has ears let him ear o.


Anonymous said...

Iyen na da, abi?

Unknown said...

Ijoba orun ku dede araye e yi la la la